Induction Brazing Steel-carbide tool
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Objective Provide a solution to this steel-carbide brazing application
Material • Body 10mm; carbide tip 57 x 35 x 3 mm
• Braze shim
• Braze flux white
Temperature 750°C (1382ºF)
Frequency 152 kHz
Equipment Power of 10kW induction heating system, equipped with a remote heat station containing (2) 1.0 μF capacitors (for a total of 0.5 μF)
A 4.5” helical induction heating coil designed and developed specifically for this application.
Process The body shim and carbide are cleaned and braze flux as applied to the entire surface of the assembly. The parts are placed together in the induction coil. Two ceramic tubes are then placed thru the coil opposing each other to hold the parts during heating. The flux on the parts is allowed to dry before heating. The induction heating power is applied until the braze flows in the joint.
Results/Benefits • targeted heating of the braze joint is efficient
• flameless process is more precise, controllable
• results are reproducible
Material • Body 10mm; carbide tip 57 x 35 x 3 mm
• Braze shim
• Braze flux white
Temperature 750°C (1382ºF)
Frequency 152 kHz
Equipment Power of 10kW induction heating system, equipped with a remote heat station containing (2) 1.0 μF capacitors (for a total of 0.5 μF)
A 4.5” helical induction heating coil designed and developed specifically for this application.
Process The body shim and carbide are cleaned and braze flux as applied to the entire surface of the assembly. The parts are placed together in the induction coil. Two ceramic tubes are then placed thru the coil opposing each other to hold the parts during heating. The flux on the parts is allowed to dry before heating. The induction heating power is applied until the braze flows in the joint.
Results/Benefits • targeted heating of the braze joint is efficient
• flameless process is more precise, controllable
• results are reproducible

Induction Brazing Steel-carbide tool 1
Induction Brazing Steel-carbide tool
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